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Students at ILM Academy are required to be in uniform on all school days, unless a letter has been sent home granting permission otherwise. Students who are not in the correct uniform (specified below) will receive a written warning for each violation.

Description and Details for Girls Uniform:

SHIRT: white, navy, or light blue, polo shirt, dress shirt (turtleneck to be worn under a dress or polo shirt).

PANTS: Loose navy blue or khaki dress pants (no sweatpants or jeans)

JUMPER: Knee-length navy blue jumper - compulsory for girls in KG and above.
Middle & High School Tunic: Is mandatory for all girls and is available to purchase from the school office.

HIJAB: White, black or navy hijab/head scarf (to be worn all day for girls in 4th grade and above, and kept in school for girls in KG, 1st, 2nd & 3rd grades for Salah)

SWEATER (for winter): Navy blue sweater or vest (if worn throughout the day at school jackets or sweaters that are removed upon entering the school do not need to be navy in color)

JILBAB (optional): Girls may choose to wear navy blue or black jilbabs over their uniform.

TRADITIONAL CLOTHING: Traditional clothing (clothing worn traditionally in various Muslim countries - such as shalwar, kameez etc) may be worn to school. The outfit must be white, navy, light blue or khaki in solid colors, loose fitting, not transparent and plain (i.e. no embroidery or fancy designs). Clothing must adhere to Islamic guidelines.

OTHER: Girls may not wear perfume, make-up, nail varnish or tight clothing. All tops, pants, jilbabs, sweaters, hijabs, socks or traditional clothing must be in solid colors, with no patterns, designs, adornments, decorations or logo's (besides the ILM logo).

Description and Details for Boy's Uniform:

SHIRT: White, navy or light blue, polo shirt, dress shirt or turtleneck.

PANTS: Navy blue or khaki dress pants (no sweatpants or jeans)

SWEATER (for winter): Navy blue sweater or vest (if worn throughout the day at school jackets or sweaters that are removed upon entering the school do not need to be navy in color)

TRADITIONAL CLOTHING: Traditional clothing (clothing worn traditionally in various Muslim countries - such as thoub, shalwar, kameez etc) may be worn to school. The outfit must be white, navy, light blue or khaki in solid colors, loose fitting, not transparent and plain (i.e. no embroidery or fancy designs). Clothing must adhere to Islamic guidelines.

OTHER: Boys may not wear jewelry or tight clothing. All tops, pants, sweaters, socks or traditional clothing must be in solid colors, with no patterns, designs, adornments, decorations or logo's (besides the ILM logo).

Other Uniform Requirements Applicable to all students:

SOCKS: Navy, black or white socks

SHOES: Tennis shoes, Oxfords, loafers or sneakers (no high heels, sandals or slippers)

ILM LOGO: All shirts (in the case of boys and PreK girls) and jumpers (in the case of KG and above girls) should have an ILM logo (available at the school) ironed or sewed on to the upper left corner of the top.

UNIFORM CONDITION: Uniform must be clean and in good repair.

Purchasing Uniform:

All items of the uniform may be purchased at stores such as: Walmart. Target, Kohls, Marshalls, TJ Maxx, JC Penny etc.

ILM Academy Logos and Navy blue jumper required for girls in KG and above can be purchased from the school office.

Dress code & Dress Code Violation

Students at ILM Academy are required to dress according to Islamic requirements. In addition:

  • Clothing must be pressed or ironed, and clean.
  • Nails should be trimmed at all times.
  • Hair for boys - front should be cut above eye-level. Hair in the back should be cut above the collar.
  • Hair for girls should be tied up/pinned back firmly or cut above eye-level.

The teachers and administration will enforce the dress code strictly. Your cooperation is highly appreciated. In case where a child is not dressed according to the dress code, the administration will

Verbally inform the student and the parent.
For multiple violations, a note will be sent home and the student must bring a change of uniform clothes to keep at school.

Parents of children with repeated violations will also be contacted for a meeting.