Parents Organization

Parents Organization

ILM Academy's Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is composed of parents and teachers that have teamed together to promote the purpose of nurturing young Muslims. By housing a strong PTO, we keep ILM parents engaged in the most formative years of their child's academic life as they play an integral part in our schools efforts.

Organization Goals

  • Raise financial support for our school. The organization serves as a platform and plays an active role in providing our students with a strong Muslim identity and an environment that emphasizes moral and academic excellence.
  • Encourage strong parental involvement in the school which promotes a family-orientated culture that helps contribute toward a productive learning environment for ILM students. It also gives the parents an opportunity to interact with the school's administration, teachers, staff members and other parents.
  • Create a bridge between the parents and the school by initiating and supporting various activities throughout the year.
  • Spearhead an extensive volunteering program that contributes toward the success of our school.

As we successfully complete the first semester for this academic year here at ILM Academy, we remain in gratitude to Allah (swt) for the realization of our efforts as an organization. We also would like to thank active parents that dedicate their time and effort toward the goals of our organization. Your teamwork is the back bone of our PTO.

We would also like to take this opportunity to invite other parents and volunteers to join our organization in helping build ILM Academy in to a productive environment for your children and in further providing the highest standards of education and moral character.

Please email [email protected] for more information about ILM Academy's Parent Teacher Organization.